Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® was ICF-approved TODAY as a provider of "Continuing Coaching Education" units by the International Coach Federation for our Courses #101, 201, 301, and 401a/b!!! (We only have 401c left to submit, and we will make sure that is done prior to presenting at the American Association of Christian Counselors' World Conference in Sept 09 in TN.)
Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® was ICF-approved TODAY as a provider of "Continuing Coaching Education" units by the International Coach Federation for our Courses #101, 201, 301, and 401a/b!!! (We only have 401c left to submit, and we will make sure that is done prior to presenting at the American Association of Christian Counselors' World Conference in Sept 09 in TN.)
This is HUGE for Christian Coaches - to be recognized by a secular entity that, in many respects, governs coach training!