E-Coaching Tips
August 08
This Month's Coaching Focus:
Key Behaviors and Skills for Effective Coaching
Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® teaches its Life Purpose Coach® students to operate from the following guidelines of key behaviors and skills that define today's coaching environment and create a solid foundation for effective coaching. We believe in and urge you to adopt similar practices when coaching, mentoring, and/or discipling others:
Meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards
Establishing a Coaching Agreement
Establishing trust and intimacy with the client
Being fully present for the client
Listening actively
Asking powerful questions
Communicating directly
Creating awareness
Designing action steps
Planning and goal-setting
Managing progress and accountability
These 11 principles are in agreement with the standards of the International Coach Federation.
Friends, my heart is heavy with prayer requests that some of our Coaches have shared with me in telephone conversations and via emails during the past two months. I want to generically mention these to you, so you can know how to pray for us - as you better understand that Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® is more than an organization. We are family!
Our Coach's Prayer Requests:
Quadriplegic daughter
Double Mastectomy (2 Coaches)
Mortgage just increased $1000
Laid off from day job
Parents with terminal illness (3 Coaches)
Grief over having to turn off her sister's Life Support
Spouse's affair
Pregnant teen
Numbness in extremities
Thunderstorm destroyed computers/printer
Longing to be in full-time ministry with spouse
Teen suspended from a Christian College for drug use
Fear of giving a speech
Fear of taking the next step in ministry
Recession impact on family business
Alcoholic sister
West Nile Virus scare
Africa Visa approval to attend Laguna training
Indonesia travel arrangements to attend the training
My Personal Prayer Requests this Month:
Healing from two back surgeries (Jan and June 08)
My dad's two cancer surgeries this summer
Hard Drive crash last week
New book deadline on January 1, 2009
New website development (with bells and whistles)
Radio Show or at least a Radio Blog
International Coach Federation (ICF) Application
Thanks for supporting us in prayer this month,
Katie Brazelton
Founder, Life Purpose Coaching Centers International®