My grandson was born. Everybody is healthy and napping -- and I mean EVERYBODY!
Born 12:46am Sunday in the middle of night
Easy delivery (Julie says!)
7 lbs + 21 inches
Alert and happy baby.
Thanks for your prayers and wishes of health.
I wanted to share my joy with you. I’m so excited,
Katie (Grammie)
On Becoming “Grandma”.
One of my dear friends said that "having a grandchild is like falling in love all over again"! I would add - "and the bloom never ends!" As a grandmother of 13 (I smile as I write the words) leaving a legacy both physical and spiritual is a significant privilege. As much as I want to impact the world around me - I want more to inspire these elfin babes who bear the stamp of my physical genes with the very life I live day by day in Him.
They will see me.
Yes, they will see me when I am pressed with the 'dailys', the 'biggies', the 'indomitables'. They will observe my reactions to the joys of life and the goings against my grain; the enchantments of living and despondencies that deep trials can bring. My prayer is that I (and you) will always emanate the incredible Christ! It is "Christ in us - the hope of Glory."
My goal is to be seen faithful by these little ones who live closest to me. They stand with eyes fixed upon me like the budding flower to the afternoon sun. I am a reflection of the One who has rejoiced exceedingly, exhibited all longsuffering in the face deepest trial and lived a life of love toward the forgiven! I am His, He is mine, and these are born to bring praise to Him! How glorious to be part of the heritage of Christ! We truly are in love again!
Congratulations Grammie! I pray you will bond quickly and deeply with this little man. I'm Grammie to seven little darlings. It's one of my favorite roles in life. I will get to spend a few days before and after Laguna with my three wonderful grandsons who live in Irvine.
May your life be enriched with your growing family.
Oh Katie, what a beautiful grandbaby. I'm two states away from my first and only grand daughter. Ayden Clair will be 10 months old by the end of the month and I've only seen her twice. The next time will have to be on her one year old birthday in February. I so loved having kids, and I would love to have that little one nearby to hold and rock. Just wanted to congratulate you even though I'm a little late. Our babies are precious!
From one Grandma to another, I would just like to send to you my joy about your new grandson. I, too, have a new granddaughter who was just born on November 4th, 2008. She was 5 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. Just a little peanut! It is such a joyful thing to be a grandma. This is my 6th grandchild and with each one it is just as exciting as the first! Isn't God just so GOOD!!? OH YES!!
Blessings from Standing For Christ
I spoke with you at your conference at Salt Fork Resort in Ohio this past September.
I'm interested in training for our women's ministries -- to shine a spotlight on their path-- and help ladies find their purpose...
What's step one. Is there some sort of test to see if one is eligible, or temperament test, etc. Which temperament is best?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
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