Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I have this intense (overwhelming) feeling that 2014 must be a serious year of prayer. With so many people so sick with so many different ailments (ranging from flu and pneumonia to brain tumors and other cancers, depression, etc.) and problems (ranging from unemployment to caring for elderly parents or rebellious teens; sub-freezing temperatures or drought or tornadoes; marital unfaithfulness; suicide rates; etc.) - THIS MUST BE A YEAR OF PRAYER. I'd love to hear and pray for your prayer requests and praise reports. [Post them here!] My selfish prayer is that this 4-week bacterial sinusitis and viral bronchitis will pass soon, so I can pray more heartily and report back to my employer...Our Lord Jesus Christ who reigns supreme! How do you feel about the world's current need for fervent prayer? Blessings, --Katie Brazelton, PhD, MDiv, MA --Bestselling Author/Speaker (8 Books/DVDs) + Life Purpose Coach® --Founder, Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® --Strategist and Consultant, Church-Based, Life Purpose Coaching Centers! --Board Member, International Christian Coaching Association --Board Member, Rockbridge Seminary --Educational Dean, Full Circle Outreach, a substance abuse treatment center --See Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Founder's Blog, Character Makeover Blog --COMPLIMENTARY


Christy said...

Katie, I'll be praying for you. I had a sinus infection about seven years ago that took six months to clear up. It came hand in hand with its lovely friend bronchitis. I hope they've done some cultures if the antibiotics aren't working. I had a very strange macro bacterium that is not normally found in the sinus. So sorry. I know how miserable it can be. Feel better

Arizonagirl1 said...

Hello Katie. I will be praying for your recovery as well. I am new to your blog, but very familiar with you as one of my lecturers during my course work at Liberty University. I recently finished my bachelor's degree in Psychology with the Life Coaching cognate and must say, you were one of my most inspiring lecturers. I was so inspired by your mission and the huge undertaking that accompanies it. God does sometimes give us a vision that seems to us as huge. I've recently found myself right in the middle of one of God's visions and now have the burning desire to make the ripple effect that He is nudging me to create. I could love some advice from you. God bless you dear sister. You are quite the inspiration.

Sandra Witkowski said...

Hi Dr. Katie,

I will be praying for you too. Not to announce bad news, but I had sinusitis, bronchitis and laryngitis in July 2013 and just now feeling better. But daily looked to Jesus for strength and grace to get through it all. I sent you a newsletter of my current events. It's been a tough year too. I thank you for your prayers too.

Kyna Moore said...

Katie ~ I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. My husband and I have both been struggling with something for four weeks now too. I was just today thinking: I really want to feel healthy! The start of 2014 for me is a little different this year. I decided that instead of creating stress for myself with expectation of achievements, I'm going to simply be in relationship with Christ and those whom He has given me to love. Out of that, any "doing" will follow. I've felt less pressure and more joy as this new year has started. Getting sick has had it's downside. It feels very familiar to start the new year off with illness. I wish so much that would change as a pattern. I thought this would be the year! I've not been sick at all in 2013 (at least not in any illness related way). I did suffer a bulging disc and have done all of the hard work – from dietary changes to everyday exercise – to make sure I recovered. But along with the dietary changes, I discovered better respiratory health! Who knew?! So being Gluten free (for ex) has led to a healthier 2013. But, alas, the dreaded viruses that everyone spreads hit us both on Dec 15. I don't know what else to say that: pray for us, and we will pray for you! Our family does have aging grandmother that I care for, and a young neice (25) who was hit with thyroid cancer. Those are prayer requests too. Thanks Katie and may God richly bless us all in 2014! ~ Coach Kyna

brad johnson said...

I concur that this is a year (decade) for intense prayer. Having wisdom to engage the culture, having courage to address timely and vital issues, having grace with ourselves and others, getting guidance to wisely approach the future.