Wednesday, January 08, 2014

I have this intense (overwhelming) feeling that 2014 must be a serious year of prayer. With so many people so sick with so many different ailments (ranging from flu and pneumonia to brain tumors and other cancers, depression, etc.) and problems (ranging from unemployment to caring for elderly parents or rebellious teens; sub-freezing temperatures or drought or tornadoes; marital unfaithfulness; suicide rates; etc.) - THIS MUST BE A YEAR OF PRAYER. I'd love to hear and pray for your prayer requests and praise reports. [Post them here!] My selfish prayer is that this 4-week bacterial sinusitis and viral bronchitis will pass soon, so I can pray more heartily and report back to my employer...Our Lord Jesus Christ who reigns supreme! How do you feel about the world's current need for fervent prayer? Blessings, --Katie Brazelton, PhD, MDiv, MA --Bestselling Author/Speaker (8 Books/DVDs) + Life Purpose Coach® --Founder, Life Purpose Coaching Centers International® --Strategist and Consultant, Church-Based, Life Purpose Coaching Centers! --Board Member, International Christian Coaching Association --Board Member, Rockbridge Seminary --Educational Dean, Full Circle Outreach, a substance abuse treatment center --See Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Founder's Blog, Character Makeover Blog --COMPLIMENTARY